
A Grunt task to watch and run tasks on multiple Grunt projects

Project maintained by shama Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Create a Grunt Hub

A Grunt Hub is just a folder with a Gruntfile and this grunt plugin installed. To create one do:

mkdir grunt-hub && cd grunt-hub
npm install grunt-hub
cp -R node_modules/grunt-hub/tasks/init/hub/* .

Then edit the grunt.js file to point to your other Grunt projects and run: grunt or grunt watch.

Integrate With an Existing Grunt Project

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's Gruntfile with: npm install grunt-hub

Then add this line to your project's Gruntfile:



This plugin includes a hub task and overrides the watch task.

hub task

The hub task is for running tasks on multiple projects. It would like to know which Gruntfiles to use and which tasks to run on each Grunt project. For example if I would like to lint and test on every Grunt project one folder up:

  hub: {
    all: {
      files: ['../*/grunt.js'],
      tasks: ['lint', 'test']

watch task

The watch task is for watching multiple Grunt projects and triggering tasks on the respective Grunt project as files are edited. This watch task will read each project's Gruntfile and use each watch config to determine which files to watch and which tasks to run.

To specify which Gruntfiles this watch task should read use:

  watch: '../*/grunt.js',

or if you're using the above hub config, simply:

  watch: '<config:hub.all.files>',


Please open an issue or send a pull request. Thanks!

Release History


Copyright (c) 2012 Kyle Robinson Young
Licensed under the MIT license.